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5/15/22: This Is Us Sermon Series

Sun, May 15


Liberty Outreach Center

Join Us this Sunday as we continue the Month long Sermon Series Exploring the Dynamics of the Family "This Is Us!" We are excited to have you Join Us In-person at 10:30 am!!!!

Registration is Closed
See other events
5/15/22: This Is Us Sermon Series
5/15/22: This Is Us Sermon Series

Time & Location

May 15, 2022, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM EDT

Liberty Outreach Center, 1724 Woodlawn Dr #34, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207, USA

About the Event

The country and state may be at various stages of their Covid-19 plans but we here at Liberty follow our own plans with guidance from the local and national government and CDC guidelines.

Where are we at Liberty?  Phase 3 (LIMITED) Operations

Achieving Phase 3 Operations allows for the gathering of larger groups of people, and the local government has yet to provide the number restrictions. It is expected that groups of 20,30,and 50 will be able to gather over time, and church leadership will determine which activities will be allowed during each of those representative gathering levels, ensuring safety and security of those who gather. Once there are higher limits to the number of people that can gather, Liberty will be considered under Phase 3 operations.

Phase 3: Limited to gatherings of 50 Max

During this phase, the following will be in place:

  • Bible/Study / Small Groups:  IN PERSON BY RSVP (50 Max) / ONLINE (FB / YOUTUBE/CHURCH ONLINE /ZOOM)
  • Building: OPEN BY REQUEST
  • Counseling: ONLINE ONLY (Zoom / Phone)
  • Special Events: ALLOWED BUT LIMITED

Our service will be at 10:30 AM but a few things will be different. All of the details are on our website, but here are some fast facts:

• Pre-registration is a must in order to attend in person services to give us time to prepare to accommodate everyone. If you did not pre-register you will not be allowed in the building.

• Remain in cars until the doors open at 10:15 AM.

• We will do a temperature check when entering the building.

• We will keep a safe distance from one another by seating each family 6 feet apart.

• We will wear masks inside the building at ALL TIMES. No one loves them, but we ask you to please wear them to church and in the church at all times.

• We will limit touch by not serving food at café or passing the offering bucket.

We respectfully ask If you are considered high-risk or are not with comfortable returning to church at this time, please continue to join us online via Facebook Live ( or YouTube Live ( We know the circumstances aren’t ideal but like many of the storms we face in life, they are temporary. We’ll continue to lean on Our Lord and Savior and each other remaining patient while working together to follow social distancing guidelines upon reopening. We look forward to being reunited soon. God Bless!!

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Liberty Outreach Center is a Family Church in West Baltimore Maryland 21216

with exciting kids programs, an energetic atmosphere, and Christ-Centered messages.

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